Should I take this request?

TLDR: trying to decide if I should take a dog who was wild/had bad vibes again.

I’m just looking for confirmation on my gut feeling, really, but maybe I’m wrong:

I took a large puppy early this year who was unneutered because of his age. He was a bully breed and I’ve never had bad experiences with puppies, unneutered dogs, or “scary” breeds, the meet and greet went fine, so I did it. The dog was a cute puppy, pulled a lot on the leash, took everything he could get his mouth on, was hard to get back into the house, all problems I expected and am fine with.

The owner was a little weird, treating all of my updates as huge problems (for example, the dog threw up a little water after he was running around for an hour and the owner was alarmed. I told them he got a hold of some bedding and the owner scolded me, saying nothing should be in the room with him even though they left it like that, etc.). Basic bad vibes from the owner.

The last visit, as usual, I was trying to wind the dog down before leaving for the night, and he kind of attacked me. In a playful way, he was mouthing me, but I removed my hand and gave him a toy, at which point he started humping me, aggressively. Because I was on the same level as the dog (both sitting on the couch), he took me down and I had to struggle to get him off of me. Even when I got up he was jumping and trying to do it again. I worked through his commands (sit, down, etc) until he calmed down. I thanked my years of training my own dogs and got out of there. I had scratches on me and was just kind of shaken up.

I told the owner about this in the Rover card, which is where I told them about the other stuff they took issue with. They never said anything about it, maybe because it was the last visit? Idk. I said it’s over and didn’t text them, I didn’t even think to block them (reminder to go through and block all the pets you wouldn’t sit again!).

Now they have requested me again for this week. I made an excuse like I’m not available for some of it and I hope they can find someone else, but they’re insisting they can work around my schedule.

Am I right to not want to sit this dog again? I know this sub will say I should be honest but how would you phrase it? Also, maybe the puppy will behave better now? This was all four months ago. I’m also a little worried about my algorithm if I say no to this, and I do need the money.

Edit: ok you’re all amazing! I knew I would have to say no but it’s always hard. I told the owner the truth, hopefully they understand.