The VR classrooms feel unethical and dystopian
Preface this by saying I think VR is cool when it comes to technology and video games. Its a major invention and yes I think its awesome.
However, it should not be used in a classroom.
During a time where people are more disconnected than ever, VR classrooms will only further perpetuate this reality.
I'm sure we've all experienced being in a class where people don't talk and distract themselves with their phone and laptops.
These types of classes suck. They are not a learning environment.
Humans need in person connections to thrive, and you cannot fulfill that need virtually.
Besides that aspect, what learning can take place through VR?
I've heard chatter about chemistry and bio classes taking place there, but still? Through my own experience, it feels good to solve a problem with yourself and your brain, and I can't see that human experience happening through VR.
All in all, VR classrooms are the future of a world I don't want to be a part of. I appreciate my professors and the lectures they put together so that my peers and I can learn from an expert who cares about us, rather than some company putting together a shitty, humanless gameplay of whateverthefuck.
P.S. I've heard from faculty that the VR classroom is apparently a pyramid scheme, lol. Rowan is trying to sell the program to University of Delaware. So that's great.
Lmk what u think, id enjoy hearing what everyone else has to say