Possible way to ethically contain SCP-6113.

For a summary, SCP-6113 is an entity that appears before people suffering from gender dysphoria at the lowest point in their life. In other words, closeted transgender people suffering from abuse or suicidal thoughts. The entity will help to calm them down, then teleport them to a lake. The person in question will see their reflection in the lake, then see themselves change to look like their desired gender. It's a lot like SCP-113, but on a larger scale. The Foundation is working to contain this anomaly, not out of a desire to prevent people from transitioning, but because a global anomaly teleporting people and changing their appearance is a great threat to the Veil. I won't go into too much detail, cuz it's a great article that I recommend you read yourself. Just be warned that it contains sensitive themes of transphobia, gender dysphoria, bullying, abuse, suicide, and transgender experiences. The author herself is trans, and the SCP is a reflection (pun intended) of her own experiences.

Anyway, is it ethical to contain SCP-6113? No. At least, not the way that the Foundation is trying to do it. The Foundation wants to close the transgender lake off from the public, and prevent any Transition Events from happening. Regardless of their intentions, they're forcing millions of trans people to stay dysphoric. Of course, the Ethics Committee is heavily involved in this article. They're famous for making questionable decisions that are ultimately the most moral, or rather the least immoral option possible. They designed Procedure 110-Montauk, they have access to all censored information, they even have the authority to punish any personnel that do something inhumane, including the O5 council and the Red Right Hand! I'm not saying I would blindly trust the Ethics Committee. After all, they still share the Foundation's principle of cold not cruel towards anomalous humans, which has caused many problems in other articles. But surely they must know what they're doing, right?

Unfortunately, we don't see much of the Ethics Committee's decision making process. Which makes sense, as what they do is likely highly classified. So for now, we're on our own. To paraphrase a certain liaison, the Foundation is wrong about SCP-6113.

Let's look at this from a different angle. Consider SCP-1000. SCP-1000 is Bigfoot a species of primate very similar to homo sapiens. They were, in fact, the original dominant lifeform before humans. A trickster god gave early humans the knowledge and power to usurp SCP-1000. Then we eradicated 70% of their population, and forced them into the forests, and now the Foundation is scared that they will want revenge, but that's another story. The important part is that it's in the Foundation's interest that we all think SCP-1000 is nothing more than Bigfoot. Bigfoot isn't actually that anomalous, at least in the way you would expect when you think of anomalies. It doesn't violate the laws of thermodynamics, it doesn't turn people into zombies, it doesn't kill you if you look at it (though the Foundation claims that it does). It's just a really smart ape that we other apes have a tense relationship with.

The point is, the Foundation can't contain every instance of the SCP-1000 species. Instead, they're focusing all their resources on containing the information of 1000. It's like they're containing a non-anomalous meme. The Foundation could just do what they did with Bigfoot. That's right, the Foundation started the Bigfoot myth. Instead of physically containing 6113, locate transitioned people and implant false memories of them getting a sex change through non-anomalous means (it wouldn't change the reaction from any transphobic peers unfortunately, but that's a bigotry issue and not an anomaly issue), then make 6113 another cryptid just like Bigfoot and Mothman. Yes, Mothman is SCP-2901. It may seem strange for a lake that magically transitions you to show up in discussions of myths and legends, but normalcy is subjective. I mean, if an anomaly becomes nothing more than a rumor, it might as well be contained. And one day, science will catch up and be able to offer an explanation, just like they have for Bigfoot. That's right, Bigfoot is real and we have evidence and by evidence I mean we've found his shit.

This may seem costly for the Foundation. But it's quite the opposite! It might be more efficient to just spread a disinformation campaign about what happens during a Transition Event, and amnesticize transitioned people on a case-by-case basis, than to try and prevent Transition Events entirely. SCP-6113 is highly unpredictable, and has access to possibly infinite transgender lakes. Trying to contain that is a fool's errand. You are a fool, Foundation! You can't contain this. People are gonna be gay and do crime.

Don't try to contain SCP-6113's anomalous properties. Rather, hide it in plain sight. Most of the time, people will see what they want to see.