Seattle Children's Hospital is Violating The Law

In the last few days Seattle Children's Hospital has begun a new program where they are withholding all gender affirming surgeries from trans people under 19.

This is illegal!

Washington State law expressly prohibits this kind of discrimination and does not grant any exceptions for threats from the federal government. Seattle Children's say that they are doing this to not lose federal funding as threatened by trumps recent orders. That's too bad for them.

Edit: According to children’s hospital federal funding makes up about 3.66% of their total revenue which doesn’t seem like that much to me. Some people have been saying that they’d also lose their payments from Medicare and Medicade but from what I can tell the president can’t just “decertify” any hospital he wants.

Losing federal funding does not give any healthcare provider in the state of Washington the right to deny care. Unless Congress passes a law making it illegal then all Washington State providers must provide care the trans people.

If you are a trans person or have a trans child who goes to Seattle Children's you should immediately file a complaint with the Washington State Human Rights Commission about this illegal violation of our rights.

If you are not a trans person or do not have a trans child who has been wronged by Seattle Children's Hospital you can still help.

Consider using writing or calling or visiting your local legislators office. You can find their names and emails here. Your message does not have to long or complex just a few short sentence, first making them aware and second expressing you desire for something to be done about this.
help with this can be found here

Another good option could be filing a compliant with the Washington State Attorney Generalor some options to simply contact them to express your discontent

You may also consider writing an email to Children's CEO, Jeff Sperring, []( and tell him that this policy of his is Immoral and Illegal.

If you wish to protest go to Children's Hospital (4800 Sand Point Way NE, Ocean Entrance, Seattle, WA, 98105) on Thursday 2/6 2-4pm, Friday 2/7 11am - 1pm and Sunday 2/9 10am-Noon.

Edit Edit: My apologies to the admins, I didn’t realise this counted as a repost since my post added more substance, context and means of response. I will be sure not to make such mistakes in any future posts that may or may not be made.