Nobody talks about failed sema stories
Before semaglutide, I had a healthy lifestyle. I worked out five days a week, alternating between lifting weights and cardio. My biggest problem was overeating so sema sounded like the perfect solution for me.
I started semaglutide last September. I slowed down on going to my workouts. Any time I’d go, I struggled. I had zero motivation and energy, making it harder to push through and lift heavy. My injuries became more frequent along with intense muscle soreness. Eventually I stopped going.
Lost 12 lbs in the first two months and felt great despite not exercising as much. For the next few months, I maintained the same weight. Started working out more but not losing any more weight. I realize now that the weight I lost was not fat loss, it was muscle loss.
Skip to May of this year. No progress. Except I get a month-long period. I take birth control and don’t get periods, haven’t had a period in years. This was the most painful and annoying month of my life. It was so bad I decided to stop taking sema. My doctor made me stop taking everything for a few days to reset my body and it worked. I didn’t continue my sema.
Being a month off sema now, I can say that my hunger has come back but I’m eating cleaner than I was on sema. And I’m back to my normal working out again. It’s so crazy how it just switches. It feels so good to have the energy and motivation to work out again, and to be able to eat food without feeling nauseous.
I only see success stories out there and I wanted to share mine. For the people who feel bad when they see a success story knowing they weren’t going to have that experience. And know that it’s okay to quit if you’re not seeing results.