I tried to beat the bob boss fight TWICE with some other people, and BOTH times a glitch happened. I reported them and the server and if was “already known” so the deleted it. FOR ALMOST 2 BLOODY YEARS THIS HAS BEEN KNOWN, MIND YOU THESE ARE GAMEBREAKING GLITCHES THAT WILL FORCE YOU TO RESTART, AND THE DEVS HAVE DONE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AND SCILENCED PEOPLE WHO CALLED THE OUT. Wth is wrong with you tencell, I used to look up to you but now I realise that you dodge responsibility’s JUST as much as other devs. And I don’t want to hear any B.S of people saying “oh their schedules are full”. They can EASILY fix these. In the first photo you just need to disable collisions on that crystal (WHICH SHOULD BE COMMON SENCE BTW) and for the second, just make it so missing a meteorite will not soft lock you, just copy some code from the previous phase. IT WOULD LITERALLY TAKE LESS THAN AN HOUR FOR 1 MEDIOCRE DEV TO DO, ESPECIALLY TYE FIRST ONE. So please, do better tencell and slap battles.