How does everyone do it??

I'm applying to MSW programs right now. I'm highly interested in University of Maryland's clinical social work program. I just don't know how I'm supposed to do it. I currently work full time at a behavioral health center, and I obviously have bills to pay. Everyone has told me once I start school, I cannot work. I won't have time for even a weekend job. And yes, realistically, I don't want to burn out, and I know I will if I try to manage classes, field practicum, and a weekend job, plus homework and not to mention spending time with my partner and having time to relax at all. But I have bills to pay. I also don't even know how to finance school to begin with. I cannot do an online program, I will never learn anything. I want to do my master's right, I want to excel and actually learn, not just pass classes. This is the only thing I want to do, and if I don't I will be stuck where I'm at for the rest of my life. I will never progress professionally or academically and I will feel like a failure. It's just all so overwhelming but I want to do it so bad. I asked faculity at the school how does everyone else do it? and they couldn't give me an answer. They just said I won't be able to work. So yeah, literally how does everyone else do it??