On my 2nd rewatch and I can't help but notice now how unbelievable most scenes are. Lol I watch Mob films/shows and they come across as believable because we know the Mafia did these things in its hey day. Someone being garroted, or nail bombs going off.

I also watch Narcos and it's very believable coz the cartels actually do these things in Mexico/Colombia.

I'm not American and don't know much about outlaw biker gangs but I for sure know there's no way people in the US are using RPGs in the streets like that. Lol. Or poisoning/killing cops.

I love the show, but I feel like that's where it falls a bit short as compared to other shows like The Wire.

Also sometimes Jax's macho personality is a bit too much.😅. The bouncing, the yelling. It doesn't come out as an accurate portrayal.