South Dakota governor's office wants court to reseal Noem credit card spending

Ouch, this ain't right...

Those records are more than 3,000 pages of Noem’s spending on two state credit cards from the time she entered office until April of last year. Over that period she spent nearly $650,000, spending at a significantly higher rate than her predecessor, Gov. Dennis Daugaard. The credit card charges in Daugaard’s last year in officer were also included in what The Scout negotiated in its settlement. Previous years were no longer available.


The financial vouchers and receipts show that Noem frequently stayed at high-end, lavish hotels across the country. Taxpayers also appeared to have paid for expenses related to a trip to Houston in early 2024 where Noem got veneer dental work done — she later was threatened with a lawsuit for promoting the dental company that performed the service for her on social media.