Help me love these songs

I love almost every song that Starset has made, but there are 3 that I tend to skip or push to the end of the shuffle list. But I wanna love them, I really do! These aren't in order of which ones I like, and I don't hate these songs at all, but they are definitely at the bottom of my list.

Rise and Fall: I don't really like how it just suddenly goes from hardcore rock into suddenly sombre and soft. I like both sections on their own, but they don't really go together. The lyrics are a little meh as well.

Last to Fall: Tbh this one wouldn't be hard to convince me, coz of these three I do like it more, it's just the repetition of "Last to Fall" in the chorus.

Manifest: The lyrics make no sense and I could never get into it. Love the instrumental tho.