Emulation gods, I need your patience and guidance

I’ll keep it short.

Emulating Wii U games. Files are a .wua extension. I’m using CEMU Native. In desktop mode, CEMU sees all and can run all games. Games are stored in the correct emulation>roms>wiiu folder.

I cannot for the life of me get steam rom manager to see them and show them in steam library. I’ve reinstalled emudeck and all parsers. Resets all the settings with quick and custom resets.

It can see my Gran Turismo 4 file. This shows up no problem all stored away in its Sony PlayStation 2 library collection.

Can anyway lend an hand and let me know if I’m missing anything? I hate needing to launch my games from desktop mode.

Edit: Games did not need to be installed. I’ve seen others have problems where they had to install the games and CEMU installed them to a different folder that SRM wasn’t looking for.

Edit 2: All 4x WiiU parser are installed/selected.