Multi-month drama on r/Afrikaans as one user wants to know the truth behind apartheid South Africa.

-had to delete a weird title-

In a drama happening weirdly over 1 year, one user asks:

"Hi there, I'm looking for recourses on the truth about apartheid, from an Afrikaner perspective. I'm tired of endless nonsense propaganda - any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance."

A few users find the question a bit odd and point out the obvious :

  1. It depends what you mean by truth. The practical aspects of Apartheid are pretty well documented, so that 'truth' is secure, I'd say. And it's probably the closest you will get to any kind of meaningful truth.
  2. Here is a crazy thought, nothing actually changed. Things stayed exactly the same. Sure black South Africans have more rights freedom and liberty on paper, but they live exactly the same lives. Waking up at 4am to catch taxis to the wealthy areas to work for little money only to pay half of their days wages traveling home.

3) LOL you can't casually say "sure they have basic human rights now" but nothing actually changed. Also Apartheid literally WAS about race. Did you miss the part where people were split by race? Did you miss the "NO BLACKS" sign?

4) The fact that you are referring to the facts as propaganda means that you are already biased against the knowledge of the wrongs committed by the Apartheid government and you are asking this in bad faith.

5) It's not possible to view it from an angle that justifies apartheid. Sure some things are focused on more than others, but in the end one group took control and benefitted from screwing over other groups. There's much more to it and you can't really talk about it without offending a whole bunch of people. It's one of those topics that's better to discuss with someone you know rather than with strangers on the internet.

Some Users have a diffrent take:

1) They scraped by. Currently, I'm scraping by. Nothing has really changed besides the rightful reconstitution of our social landscape. It makes me cringe every time (white)privilege is brought up because I almost feel guilty over something I never got the privilege of having to begin with.I just wish that we could move past the past and focus on the future

2) In short, Afrikaaner nationalism developed after the Boer war, where Afrikaaners were oppressed by the British empire.
That led to the belief that Afrikaaners needed to protect themselves, their culture etc. There is nothing inherently wrong with that, but in the context, this was "mixed" with a lot of the racist ideas that were prevalent at the time in much of the world. Part of that came fromt he fact that there was a fear in the elite that the poor white (mostly Afrikaans-speakers), would join forces with the black population and overthrow the elite. Divide and conquer style.

When WW2 ended and the rest of the world began to change, the Afrikaaner nationalist assumed political power and doubled down on their belief system. Perhaps this had to do with generational trauma not unlike what you see in Israel today.

3) Apartheid was never intended to have whites as a Supreme race. Rather have all cultures achieve their best. The fault was that the white minority held most of the land.

4) Fu3k off Anglos, you fu3king hateful people. You point the finger at the Afrikaners. But as you say, "the rest of us go shafted". 3uck off with your victim playing. You Brits did that to Us Afrikaners and the Bantu peoples of South-Africa, and now you want to come in here and suddenly play victim.

You Brits brought Apartheid to this country, you British English cuntes are the problem, back then as well as today. So shut up.

5) Apartheid is the last time africa had anything going for it, now China own half the continent, because the Chinese are so good about human rights…. Silly Libby democrats are for kids, they will trick ya and flick ya…

6) Bingo. Don't drink the white guilt kool-aid of all these self-hating whites. It's truly pathetic the way they sacrifice themselves on the altar of anti-whiteness for some kind of moral brownie points.