Politics? In my white powder? Some users on r/skiing bemoan that their hobby is no longer a safe space
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/skiing/comments/1j1kuji/psa_fascists_and_their_voters_should_no_longer_be/
Normally I don’t bring politics into a lot of things, but these are not normal times. So while I am sorry that my propensity for calling out fascists is ruining your internet happy time, I just think that it’s totally worth it.
It’s not. This is a “look at me” virtue signaling post that accomplishes exactly nothing in a sub that should be free of political bullshit.
Hide your eyes if you're too soft to face the truth
What are you talking about? I’m very aware of the political climate in the USA right now. That doesn’t mean it needs to be shoehorned into a subreddit that has nothing to do with politics.
Politics affects skiing, if you don’t understand why you’re probably a shitty skier
Throwing out the word fascist so much it means nothing anymore. Try something new?
We can stop using the term fascism when the fascists stop fascisting
"Voting for facism is bad! Anyone who voted red is a facist!" "Hey, vote for my team, or else I will punch/harass/threaten you." Yea, I guess you're right, fascists are surely fascisting.
But your the fascist, your the one who is forcing your views on others
Please explain the “forcing” part.
"to sign a pledge saying climate change is real" to allow themto ski
You know you could just scroll on by...
This has literally nothing to do with skiing. Y’all are just trying to make your echo chamber louder lol
It’s documenting a protest against Vance that occurred at a ski mountain.
So…. Where’s the skiing? Literally none in the photo. Post this on r/justdocumenting or some shit then. Not everyone wants to be inundated with politics every minute of the day
You’ve never commented on this sub outside this thread, just go back to being a lurker if you don’t like the content
Skiing and politics don’t mix. You are the problem too
Local, state, and federal policies affect everything, even skiing. If people who didn’t like talking or hearing about politics actually wanted to keep political conversation from overwhelming every aspect of their lives then they should have voted against the man whose every action has dominated the world conversation for the last decade.
Homie I go to the mtn to forget about the current state of the world. I am fully aware of what’s happening so I don’t need yet another run down from another person. Let me ski in peace and deal with the political shit when I’m not
See the thing is, this is exactly what the protests are intended to do. It is working. The more you let us know it is working, the more it will happen! Thanks for the feedback!!
Stay warm out there. I’ll be watching you from the top. Say, less people in my way too. Get mad at your politicians at home and ski while you can. We are fucked either way
You went from “keep politics outta here I come here to escape” to “yeah go ahead have fun out there it doesn’t bother me” in a matter of a few comments lol.
It’s just Reddit. At this point I’m just here for the entertainment
Reddit is like 90% if not more left leaning in support of their point. I don’t understand why they arent on facebook or something else
It’s an echo chamber. They only want to hear their thoughts validated. They don’t actually want to hear anything that challenges their beliefs. If you even think to say something rational it makes you a Nazi.
I've voted Democrat my entire life. In recent years, a bit more hesitantly. I no longer talk politics with anyone these days. People are absolute lunatics who will not listen to reason, and fact check nothing. If it comes out of an idiot box and aligns with their "view" it must be true.
This is a democracy issue, not a democrat vs conservative issue. The constitution is at risk. If you were a true American, you would understand this.
holy overreaction
the constitution is NOT at risk lil buddy, i know you wanna be upset at something but that's just ridiculous
But it’s so much easier for them to give lip service to climate change instead of actively doing anything about it. I mean, why actually make a difference and forgo additional activities that impact the environment and increase atmospheric carbon when you can instead just use a cardboard sign, a baby, and a make-believe pledge for cheap internet points?
So without any other context other than this picture you made all these assumptions about this woman? You know nothing about her. You and your kind are the problem. You don't just make a bunch of assumptions and write people off based on your own assumptions. You made up a scenario about this woman that only exists in your head and you're using it to judge her. This world is screwed.
Is she driving to her ski areas? Perhaps stopping at Starbucks on the way? Sticking it to The Man and saving the earth at the same time! (jazz hands!)
God you trolls try so hard.
Can your politics just fuck off from here?
Their? Politics. Are you implying that you don’t want to live in a democracy?
No he is implying that he does not want politics in SKIING sub
That’s the point of a protest. When done correctly it’s not just a meaningless demonstration for brownie points. It’s supposed to disrupt the status quo. It’s supposed to incentivize people to help answer the concerns of those protesting. Sorry you’re upset but that’s the point.
No, just fuck off, you and your politics. This is exactly the worst way to "protest".
The French are experts in protest, what would you suggest they do instead asshole?
No one is throwing words lightly. But one orange maniac is lightly throwing the idea about himself being a king, while publicly humiliating our ally while glazing putin (An actual fascist for 25, years). Just because you have your head in the sand doesn't mean everyone else has to as well
Maybe take a break from the internet and stop being an idiot…. Get your head out of the sand and read a book. Educate yourself. Usually only idiots post as much as you do on Reddit lol
I’ll bite, what about this post meets the definition of fascism?
Gate keeping a sport that takes place on public land by requiring people pledge to an idea sounds pretty fashy to me
lol I was fascinated this topic was on a niche hobbyist subreddit that hit the front page. Curious what the ski people would say. This might be the stupidest comment I’ve ever read on this site. Thanks for the laugh 😂 you literally had to invent something entirely. Meanwhile the actual fascists threaten the sovereignty of nations, or bully sovereign nations who are being invaded into giving up, amplify xenophobic messaging (Haitians are eating the dogs), and silence free press and free speech. Incredible stupidity. No wonder this nation was duped with geniuses like yourself in it. Enjoy your oligarchy.
Ok I’ll be skiing enjoy your circle jerk
Bunch of MAGA weirdos crying about losing their safe space in this sub
I’d bet most people commenting aren’t “MAGA”. They just don’t want to see posts of idiots who probably don’t have a fucking clue about politics (outside of what CNN told them) in this sub. Ask yourself this… as a whole across the nation who is always crying about safe spaces?
Conservatives 100% of the time
Get a grip.
Seriously. Olympics? Freaked the fuck out st the gay people and the demons etc. They complain at every Super Bowl anyone sings anything with a political statement. “Movies are too political, I just want my entertainment.” “Shut up about politics and do your job entertaining me, comedians!” All safe space complaints. You guys are a bunch of pussies.
It’s not being a pussy to want to go to a sub about skiing and just see ski stuff, or wanting to watch the Super Bowl without seeing political shit, or wanting to watch the Olympics without having to watch someone born a man competing against someone born with a vagina.
Agreed, but no need to shy around the topic. This is cringe /politics content in a skiing sub.
Considering that you've never commented or posted in this subreddit before now - why are you here all of a sudden?
Because this shit make the front page because “orange man bad” - nobody gives a fuck if JD Vance goes skiing. Fuck the Obama’s would literally shut down 1/3 of the mountain in Aspen so they could ski on Presidents’ Day weekend alone and in peace. Nobody gave a fuck about that
What did Obama do to you for him to live rent free in your head? Man was black huh? This basically broke you all racist fools. Obama did nothing remotely to what the current administration is doing to this country.
Where did I say a thing about his color? Barack wouldn’t even come out and ski; it was just Michelle, the kids and secret service lmao Shutting down 1/3 of a ski resort for anyone should get most people pissed off - at least they didn’t shut anything down for Vance to ski privately