Nora Ephron Homage in the Finale
So the moment where Rebecca and the Dutch guy meet again in the series finale and he says, "It's you" is an homage to the end of Sleepless in Seattle - Tom Hanks said that to Meg Ryan when he saw her at the top of the Empire State Building. <3
Just wanted to say how much I appreciated the callback - in the Nora Ephron scene in the previous episode when the guys are watching You've Got Mail, Ted says to Beard, "Sleepless in Seattle is the superior film", so for the writers to pay homage to it for Rebecca in the finale was just so cool. <3
Also, in the You've Got Mail scene when Meg Ryan says to Tom Hanks, "I wanted it to be you so badly," Sam and Rebecca make eyes and smile at each other, which signifies that they still have fondness for each other which was nice to see. But Rebecca's "person" is the Dutch guy (forgetting his name, sorry), so it was really sweet of the writers to give her the Sleepless in Seattle homage after that You've Got Mail scene. Rebecca deserved 2 Nora Ephron rom com references!
Just an avid Ephron fan who loved those details. :)