What are your wild predictions for 3.10 and beyond?

Hopefully we will be getting a fourth season.

Here are my predictions:

  1. The letters Del are getting are from someone in the future. Perhaps even Del herself.

  2. Kat/Alice/Del will find the baby at the pond at the last moments of 3.10. With the 9 month time jump I think whoever left the baby came to present day to have the baby and then go back to whatever time they’re from.

  3. As of right now the time travels are under the assumption they can’t travel to the future, but I think it’s just that: an assumption. The pond takes them when you’re needed. I think they just haven’t been needed in the future…Yet.

  4. K.C. Left Kat a secret message on the “empty” folder using the invisible ink trick. I think Kat might be dead in KC’s time and that’s why they were so interested in knowing her. Perhaps the message is a warning.

I think that’s it. So excited for 3.10. And fingers are crossed for S4.