Deep Dive - Who is KC Goodwin?
I’m a little obsessed with this show and while there are a bunch of fun mysteries I want solved, the biggest is KC’s identity. I’ve put together my thoughts and theories, and would love to know what you think. Have I missed anything?
Here’s what I’ve got so far…
The show’s writers said that they almost revealed who KC is at the end of Season 3, but “held back because it is such a lovely reveal and we didn’t want it to just be yet another reveal in this episode of reveals.” So they saved it for next season. To me, this means whomever KC is, we already know enough about their ancestry to have it make sense to us.
KC is of Goodwin/Landry/Augustine descendant – Writers said of KC, “They’ve got a little bit of Goodwin, they’ve got a little bit of Augustine, they’ve got a little bit of Landry.” (See article link below.)
Alice’s child?
No. Show writers and KC said “no” on this one. Alice lied in the past when TTing, so I thought maybe KC lied too, but the writers said KC isn’t Alice’s child. I’m sort of sad about this, as I really like her with Max. I think they still might end up together. Oh, wait! See next theory below…
Alice & Max Goodwin’s grandchild?
Maybe. KC signed their name “KC Goodwin” in S3E8. KC knew a lot about Alice when they first met in S2E4 and seemed to want to get to know Alice. Through Max, this would make Evie her great-great grandmother, which isn’t too much of a stretch from grandmother. (More on Evie angle below.) This would also make Kat her great-grandmother and maybe KC didn’t meet Kat in real time, so wanted to get to know her when time traveling.
I think this is my favorite theory so far. Although this would mean Max needs to have Augustine in him too. Or maybe Max and Alice’s child marries an Augustine. This would also be a good reason why KC would have Alice’s parents’ ring. KC also could have been warned by future Alice to not tell her anything about the future.
Evie’s grandchild? Or Great-great grandchild?
Possibly. In S2E4, KC shows up at the paper and offers help to Kat. KC says of their grandmother “I didn’t know her that well.” and “Families drift apart.” In S2E5, KC talks about going through their grandmother’s records at the newspaper office and is upset about the things they’re finding out about the early Goodwins. KC also says they don’t know much about their Goodwin family and is there to find out where they came from. It doesn’t feel like KC is lying there. Also KC knows the house well enough to know how to hide there for the summer, which I realize contradicts the above. ;) KC is also connected enough to the Goodwin family to present the check at Founder’s Day in S2E5.
Kat & Elliot’s child or grandchild?
Unsure. KC seems to have a strong connection to Kat, but doesn’t seem interested in getting to know Elliot. If KC is their child, they probably would have taught them all about time travel. Maybe Kat passed away when KC was young, so KC wants to get to know her.
Elliot’s Mom & Jacob’s grandchild or further descendant?
Unsure. KC hasn’t sought out Jacob and didn’t seem excited when they met him in S3E10. Could Elliot’s mother be a Goodwin? Maybe Jacob talked up Kat a lot, so KC want to meet her. This would make Alice a cousin.
Elliot’s Mom’s & Colton’s brother’s grandchild or great-grandchild?
Unsure. We don’t know enough about either yet. This wouldn’t give KC more of a connection to Kat than the others though.
This feels like a cryptic logic problem and we need a few more clues. Or do we??? :)
This is a link to a TV Insider Interview (3/8/2025) with Alexandra Clarke and Heather Conkie, the show’s writers:
What do you think? Am I missing some theories? Do you have any more evidence to add?