Rising intolerance in our city
So the other day I had gone to get a haircut at a salon in Kumarapuram under a particular infertility clinic. There was a sign indicating an underground parking lot. As indicated I went and parked my car there.
Suddenly this man pops out of nowhere and asks me where I’m headed off to and I said I’m going to the salon. He bursts out and starts yelling at me to move my car immediately because that’s the infertility clinics spot or else he’ll beat me up and damage my car.
Since there was no indication that this particular lot belonged to any single establishment, I asked him to calmly talk to me and stop threatening me or else I’ll call the police.
He went on to tell me he’s seen a lot of police and that doesn’t scare him and that he’ll beat me up lol. Now in order to avoid any further escalation and also because the dude did really seem super scary, I moved my car and went to another salon.
I’ve heard a lot of instances of people getting threatened by these goons who I assume have criminal/political affiliations that give them the courage to threaten anybody anywhere. I don’t think the police will even do anything in such a scenario.
Fellow people of Trivandrum, what do you guys think of the rising intolerance and goon behaviour in our city?