Sex at night
I’m trying to figure out if I’m alone in this. My spouse and I are in a little bit of a rut re: our sex life. I’ve tried to identify what the issue is, and I really think it may be the socially accepted expectation that sex happens before bed. My spouse is fine with this, and actually prefers it—but imo, that’s the worst time to have sex. I go to bed when I’m tired, with the intention of going to sleep. Why would this be seen as a natural time for intercourse? It’s the same to me as suggesting that you do a 40-minute HIIT circuit and then pass out in bed. That doesn’t sound fun to me.
I’m not so much looking for advice, as I am trying to figure out if I’m in the minority. Most of my friends have been in long-term relationships and say that sex before bed is basically a default. I’m interested in what other people think?
Edit: I just came back to add that we don’t have children, and we are not a hetero couple—but I can see from the comments that this is a thing that transcends individual circumstance. Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences! It’s nice to know there’s a wider world of like-minded folks out there 😊