It's no one's business who purchases Plan B, period
I'm so angry I'm shaking right now.
Was checking out at a local grocery store, teenage girl in front of me purchased a Plan B, I wouldn't have even noticed but they are in the locked containers so they had to go get a lock.
After she paid and left, the cashier who was a woman in her 60s-70s, said under her breath "Shame on her", I said excuse me? "Oh nothing, previous customer....she bought...well never mind."
I went over to the manager and reported her for saying inappropriate things. The manager was upset by it too and shocked.
I've never had to purchase a Plan B but I'm guessing it's not the most fun thing and then the customer had to be judged by this random cashier. How hard is it to just keep it to yourself? It's things like this that make it more intimidating for women to get the proper healthcare they need.