Respectfully, if you do not live in the US you have no idea how things work here. Here’s the prep - your country is not immune from the billionaire oligarchy. What are you doing about it?
Look I understand that our “president” is currently busy making enemies of allies and that it’s destabilizing everything and it makes me feel ill as well.
But please, the people posting in this subreddit are not the people who caused this. You don’t know if they canvassed for the Democrats, you don’t know their activism history, how they voted, whether they’re calling representatives now or attending protests or any of that.
If you’re not an American you also don’t know just how badly the deck is stacked against us. Ever since Citizens United our elections have been swayed by tons of sneaky spending. Gerrymandering controls our local elections. They make it as hard as possible to vote. There were statistically suspicious things about the last election. Our healthcare is tied to our jobs which makes most people extremely terrified of losing their employment for any reason. And we have no workplace protections- our employers can fire us for ANY reason including missing a day of work.
So no, you do not know what we could do to stop this. Yes, we have the biggest scariest military in the world. And they’ll turn it on us first. We’ll be the ones starving in the streets and the ones rounded up - enjoy it, if you want, but know that it’s the ones who DID try to stop it who will suffer most.
Oh one more thing - the US has been the target of billionaire oligarchs and INSANE social media propaganda campaigns. Social media warfare. Guess what? That’s not limited to our borders. It’s a global problem. So, it’s coming for you. What are you doing to stop it? What wise things did we not do that you personally are now doing? Otherwise? You are not immune.