Am I missing anything not using celery?

I love to cook, and I have only ever found one food in the world I cannot be around - Celery.

I am not allergic or intolerant in any way, my grandmother used to cook it into stews etc and provided it is cooked away in that fashion I am fine with it.

However I literally have to run when I smell it in its raw state, something about it absolutely insults my sense of smell and I had one of those mums who forced me to eat it when I was a child insisting I was just making excuses not to eat vegetables. For clarity I loved my veg, but nothing about raw celery made me understand how someone put that in their mouth one day and said "That's food".

So, I'm not bashing people who do like it, but because of the fact that celery does come up in so many recipe bases for soups, stews and ragus I do wonder if I am maybe missing something when I cook these things?

Is there something I can use as a replacement maybe? It really isn't something I can just get over, I've had this aversion to raw celery my whole 40 years on this planet and I don't see it changing at all.

Thanks in advance! 🙂