PSA: you can view your admissions file!

Hi friends! Im a year graduated but I still constantly see people that have no idea you can see your whole admissions file/asking me how I saw mine. You just have to sign up for a ‘document appointment’ here:

The slots usually get taken pretty quick and as of now it seems like there’s only a few left for March/April so I recommend signing up ASAP if you want to do it this semester.

Obviously no real benefit to it, I just found it super interesting to see what the readers said and how I was ranked (actually, found out I was very close to being waitlisted…shout out whoever my last reader was). Especially if you’re a senior and about to leave. Can also be helpful to share with anyone you know who is applying to UNC!

EDIT: I posted this when there was like 30-40 slots left and they are all gone after 5 hours so I’m glad this helped 😭

If you didn’t get to sign up, keep checking that website over the summer for when they post Fall availability