Successful veterans, how did you find success and, possibly, happiness?

Honestly this is probably something I should just tell my therapist, but I don’t have one so you guys get it instead. I’ve been out about 9 months. Honorable discharge. Used the VA home loan to move into a nice house with my wife. Started using the GI Bill in January. Currently fighting the VA about my disability rating. All this is to say, what am I doing wrong? I know I’m taking all the right steps, but I still feel so lost. I’m 23 with 4 years of military experience. I hated my job in the Corps. So regardless of if that MOS experience translates to civilian life, I’d rather eat a bullet than do that shit again. I feel like a genuine failure. But I know that isn’t true. I have people and pets and things that I care about and that I can only hope care about me back (maybe not the things, that would be weird). I can’t keep doing school, that’s a fast track to the lowest self-worth possible since I already have my self-esteem issues from my time in the service. I can’t keep up with the others. I just don’t care about the classes that I just HAVE to take. And the only class I care about and want to learn in, I’m doing awful in that too. I genuinely don’t know. I don’t want to keep jumping from job to job and never find a career. I don’t want to be a burnout who can’t keep a job. I want to do something that matters and/or that I care about. Right now I’m looking at finishing this semester and just not registering for next semester. I hate myself for it. I hate giving up. I hate quitting. But I don’t know what to do. I’m just so fucking lost. I can’t afford to go be an apprentice and learn a trade, I have bills and a wife and dogs and cats and debt and all this other shit that is just drowning me. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’ll never find a job or career that I’ll be happy or fulfilled in. I know I just need to find something that I can tolerate for the next 30 or 40 years. But I don’t even know where to start. I have no experience that matters to employers. I’m looking into police work because at least that matters but if I’m realistic I probably won’t even get selected or hired or whatever you want to call it. I can’t keep doing this shit man.

Guess I just want to hear success stories from other veterans who may or may not have felt a similar way. And please don’t tell me how I fucked up buying a house without a stable career, I’m well aware.

Again, I know yall aren’t a therapist or a psychologist or whatever, I just don’t know what else to do. Hopefully I’ll have brothers and sisters out there with some words that will help guide me.