“you’ve lost weight, you look so good!”

thank you so much!! i haven’t eaten a meal in three days! i get winded going up stairs and i can’t exercise for more than ten minutes! i shower less because the heat of the water makes me pass out! the sight of food makes me nauseous and nothing tastes good unless i’m high! i vomit often and at random times! i get lightheaded every time i stand up! i sleep all the time and rarely go out because i never have any energy! i go days at a time without shitting and i can’t even remember the last time i had my period! i break into sobs anytime i gain a pound! i’m sick to my stomach every single day! i am actively and voluntarily destroying my body!!

but nobody cares. people only worry about eating disorders if you’re already skinny. i started my “weight loss journey” about a year ago when i was 250 pounds and i’m 150 pounds now (still fat but we’re getting there i guess). i am unhealthier than i have ever been but nobody realizes that because they equate health with thinness. they think that because i’m losing weight, i’m getting healthier and taking better care of myself but i know that’s not true. i’m getting praise and compliments for destroying my body. so of course i don’t want to stop.