I feel like Wellbutrin is destroying me

On my head all the time, feel like I'm floating but I'm so tired, I'm a zombie who doesn't want to kms anymore nor self harm but cannot concentrate, I can hardly sleep, I need my ADHD medication to do anything and that combination gives me headaches and races my heart rate, my psychiatrist told me it could cause blood pressure problems in the long term, I take Klonopin for my anxiety so I'm on a cocktail of pills who make me horny with headaches, distracted but functional, shaky, thirsty for water, sleepy during the day and on my day off I crave for cigarettes or alcohol because I didn't felt any good emotions during the week.

What is this thing for real? I can't tell my psychiatrist this since is going to my medical record, all I can do Is mildly comment minimizing my symptoms saying I may want to try a different dosage since what I needed from it I already got it (which is a LIE, I want to close the door and never leave my house until I'm off everything I let them put me on).

Psychiatry is an evil career made to patch the errors capitalism created, it ruined my life before, and dumb me for wanting to give It a go again, I came back like an abused housewife with her husband, the tunnel vision doesn't stops ever, I'm not even sure it's me who's writing this or I'm watching a freaking movie.