Just installed SteamOS 3.0 on my G14 2022
After hearing it was possible to install on other hardware, but required only AMD components AND a discreet GPU as well. I figured my G14 2022 was the perfect canidate to try this out on!
Image the SteamDeck Recovery Image to a USB drive with Rufus (Windows) or balenaEtcher (Mac or Linux).
Booted the USB from the BIOS
Waited a literal hour for it to load the live image desktop (no joke)
Realised the screen was sideways, so booted back to Ubuntu and edited the grub.cfg file to orient the screen properly.
Booted again... Also waiting another hour (idk i think my USB is dying)
Realised my grub edit didnt fix the desktop orientation (womp womp)
Fought with the slow ass live disk to reorient the screen.
Clicked "Reimage SteamDeck"
Waited another long ass time for it to install
Instantly loaded, logged in and it runs extremely well!
Was it worth installing over just using a normal OS with steam? No, not really. But on the upside everything just kinda works right out of the box! And there is a noticable improvment when using big picture.