Just installed SteamOS 3.0 on my G14 2022

After hearing it was possible to install on other hardware, but required only AMD components AND a discreet GPU as well. I figured my G14 2022 was the perfect canidate to try this out on!


  • Image the SteamDeck Recovery Image to a USB drive with Rufus (Windows) or balenaEtcher (Mac or Linux).

  • Booted the USB from the BIOS

  • Waited a literal hour for it to load the live image desktop (no joke)

  • Realised the screen was sideways, so booted back to Ubuntu and edited the grub.cfg file to orient the screen properly.

  • Booted again... Also waiting another hour (idk i think my USB is dying)

  • Realised my grub edit didnt fix the desktop orientation (womp womp)

  • Fought with the slow ass live disk to reorient the screen.

  • Clicked "Reimage SteamDeck"

  • Waited another long ass time for it to install

  • Rebooted

  • Instantly loaded, logged in and it runs extremely well!


Was it worth installing over just using a normal OS with steam? No, not really. But on the upside everything just kinda works right out of the box! And there is a noticable improvment when using big picture.