Any suggestions on what could complement a portable Ableton studio?
I relocate every winter, and normally take a small studio with me. I mainly do some mixing/mastering as well as a bit of beatmaking. Normally during Black Friday I have a bit of spend up and buy a couple of bits.
If it makes any difference, music style is nu-disco / funk and some lo-fi minimal type stuff.
Saying that, it's not exactly a portable rig, just something that can fit in a hand luggage size bag and be moved twice a year.
Currently I have the following.
Novation Mini 37 mk3
IK Multimedia MTM monitors
Aiaiai studio headphones
Probably a mic, but not sure if I need it as I unfortunately don't do vocals.
If Ableton's Black Friday ever starts I will probably buy a Push or Move, but still have to decide which one. Getting worried about the timescale though, as I fly out in a couple of weeks and they're not the fastest of companies. Strange though as they started about the 13th November last year.
Anyway, I am also looking for something else, but not sure what, so looking for inspiration.
I've always been tempted by a SSL UC1 or Softube set up, but wondering if it would be worth it if I buy Push.
I've ruled things like the MPC's out, as I've been down that road. It's the same with synths. Even though I'd like to add a bit of analog flavor, I'm not sure if it would be a wise move.