I DID THE THING and decluttered my entire living room!

  • Picture 1: The Results!
  • Picture 2-5: Before and during
  • Picture 6: All the ”storage stuff” I no longer need! 🎉


I posted last week about Finally Doing THE THING, in my case decluttering my living room and getting new bookshelves because mine were falling apart.

I’m happy to report I’ve almost finished my entire project.

I unfortunately don’t have a great before picture (but I’m sure you can imagine what it looked like.)

I’ve thrown out three moving boxes of books, donated three big bags of stuff, tried every single pen I own and thrown out the bad ones and so much more.

It started as a bookshelf projected but expanded into the entire living room. I’ve been using my kitchen table as a desk for five years and I’ve now completely decluttered it. Only my computer, monitor and notebook are ”out in the open”.

On the whole, I’ve been able to get rid of 5 tubs of General Stuff, two small carts, two baskets, two huge tubs and more!

I’m not quite done, I still have two empty drawers to fill up and I haven’t decided what to put in them yet.

Is my home now perfectly clean and minimalistic? Absolutely not! I WANT to have my books and quirky decorative items visible.

A lot of people would probably find my apartment very cluttered and chaotic but it is SO much better than it was!