What do you want to happen???
I won’t bore you all with the details, but a soldier got hemmed up by CSM for his hair being out of regs. SM told me his SL that he got a haircut this past weekends and showed me the receipt. I believe him considering that he and I use the same barber. Counsel him and he disagrees with it and tells me that he wants to go legal. He goes to legal, and legal says that his hair is in regulations. Behind closed doors, me and the acting PSG (another SSG) talk about it, and he’s not happy that he went to legal and legal told him he was good.
How else was this supposed to play out?
I’ll take brewski with BBQ boneless wings please.
Edit: I Want to clarify some issues as I was typing this at 0100 fighting a sick infant.
- I told the acting PSG his hair was in regs considering that he and I had similar hair cuts. PSG essentially told me CSM wants the counseling done. Told him this wasn’t going to end the way he or CSM wanted.
- He already printed out a premade counseling about being out of regs with hair. I didn’t even read it to him. Told him to take it to legal, considering that my PSG wouldn’t listen to me. Since he’s been appointed to this, he’s been a yes man.
- Me and the acting PSG haven’t been on good terms because I don’t do what he does or did in that position, like yell, smoke soldiers for the minor errors, brag to the joes about being Ranger Tabbed, airborne, pathfinder, air assault etc. but he won’t brag to me about it considering I have all the same badges as him.