Instead of complaining that no one here knows how to drive in winter weather, let's share our favorite winter driving tips!

I'm an Uber driver and this thread is inspired by a rider who slid into a pole because she was going downhill and couldn't stop and "didn't know what to do."

Obviously, the best tip is that if you're at all uncomfortable driving in winter weather to stay at home, but that also might be unrealistic for some people. I kinda want this thread to be a judgement free zone where we all can share our knowledge, no matter how basic it might seem.

So my tip that I should have told my rider is this: when you see yourself approaching a sketchy, icy hill, don't hit your brakes. You'll just turn your car into a sled. Instead, pop your car into a lower gear. This will slow you down without locking your wheels and give you more control as you descend. Most of us drive automatics, and some people might not know you can do this, but I've never been in a car where it wasn't a possibility. How you do this really depends on your car, but for me the manual control is to the left of D on my gear shift. From there you can adjust the gears up or down. If someone wants, I can take a picture of my gearshift and post it in the comments.

Again, I just want this thread to be a space where we all share our knowledge to lift each other up. What other things should people know?