Support local coffee roasters & get free shipping!

Support Deep Time today! If 350+ kind people supports Deep Time and purchases one bag of coffee that will be enough coffee sold to support a sojourner for the next month. Our mission is to celebrate, employ, and create a spiritual community for people impacted by incarceration so we provide workforce training, education, and an amazing support system so that people getting out of prison are able to successfully re-enter society. We are working on getting our cafe space open soon.. we also are getting our food truck up and serving you guys some delicious coffee VERY soon! We offer wholesale coffee beans. I promise our coffee is way better than Starbucks and Dunkin (and I think they’re pretty good but we are better lol) We have some awesome merch too! Also if you use my code “Jackie5” you get free shipping!! Please share this info with your friends so that your friends can get in on the fun as well. 🙂