Scary living in an almost 100% religious catholic area
tl;dr Idk any other fellow atheists, anyone else living in a hardcore bible thumping area and is a hard atheist?
I am 17 years old currently a Junior in high school and I wish I had other people who I know are atheists to like connect with, literally EVERYONE is religious here. It’s a predominantly Hispanic area so it’s not really surprising, and I’m Mexican too, however I’ve always been an atheist, even though I’ve been raised catholic, though since I was freaking SIX I figured out it was all fake when I questioned too much lmao, but I never said anything about it. Still to this day I try to act like I blend in (I’m in cross country and track, and our team does team prayers and I bend my head to act as if I was praying) but like oh my god how do so many people believe in this fairytale like WTF? I really lost faith as “Christians” attack LGBTQ rights and this whole MAGA bs that Christianity has enveloped, if you were to see my profile I’m basically a Marxist, but other than that, H O W ? I wish I knew other fellow atheists, and since I’m in sports, I’m surrounded by HARD religious nuts, even the top students at my school are religious, but booksmart doesn’t mean street smart, right? I do sometimes get shocked at the sheer fairies, and feel very intelligent for my age, oh my gosh everyone is so dumb in believing that crap! Okay this sounds like an anti religious post, I promise that’s not what I’m here for. As I turn 18 soon and get ready to depart the crooked American public school system and head off to college, I wonder when I’ll meet another like-minded individual like me? Are vents allowed here? If not remove this, but if so, well, wah-lah! If you read this far, thank you and if you don’t understand well that’s okay lmao okay bye 😘
(if there’s automod I swear if you delete this..)