Is there still no proof that vaping is bad?

I want to clear this up because the information provided by the ones we are supposed to trust (the government and universities) is so obviously biased its a wonder how anyone could believe it.

I also want to state I am not even pro vape I have been quit for 3 months now.

The most common one I hear is nicotine is addictive so dont vape. Okay? So nicotine is not harmful to your body so being addicted to it i guess could be considered "bad" because who wants to be addicted to something but also its not harmful either so does it really matter?

"You'll get popcorn lung", "so many people have died of a collapsed lung" etc. These people died from trying to smoke ("the green stuff") pens which were black market counterfeits made with vitamin e acetate. Its like trying to say u will die from drinking alcohol because those kids in Laos drank methanol instead of alcohol... no they were given a black market substance that was trying to imitate the real one.

Vapes contain diacetyl and formaldehyde? Again fake green stuff pens may have contained these substances but they are not what we are talking about at all.

"Long term effects are not known yet" - yeah i guess thats somewhat true but its been out for around ten years and never heard of one person having ill effects from regular vapes.

"Anything other than fresh air is bad" - that is just not factually correct. Everytime you step outside you breathe in exhaust gas and brake dust.

Anecdotal evidence - i vaped for years almost 24/7 and never had any tiredness of issues playing sports. One cigarette however and im already out if breath.

Any real evidence vaping is bad for you yet?