PSA: Tipping is NOT for service

I've been in food service most of my adult life and this really bugs me; the vast majority of places that serve food underpay their employees with the expectation that the customers will make it back up;ie, the employer is off-loading our pay to you all to avoid charging more. I'm not trying to debate the ethics of this, if you don't want to support an establishment that does this, simply don't spend your money with them. But please don't not tip. Tip even for counter service, for the love of God. It doesn't have to be 20%, heck, ask what their base pay is, but by not tipping you're shorting us, and most base pay is nowhere near a livable wage. Servers and bartenders get $2.13 and most baristas make under $12. There's a reason service industry workers almost always tip and tip well and it isn't because they're independently wealthy.