How to keep enclosure temps up during the winter?
My room is the coldest in the house and that’s where my BP lives. She has a halogen heat bulb and I used to keep it on only during the day but now it gets too cold at night to turn it off. I used to use ceramic heat bulbs but those weren’t heating her cage near enough so that’s why I made the switch to a halogen bulb. I live with my parents still so unfortunately turning the heat up in the house is not an option. I understand keeping the halogen bulb on during the night messes up my pet’s light cycle, but I don’t know if messing up her sleep is a fair trade off to making her freezing cold. Also, I’ve bought a new lamp and bulb recently and my snake’s enclosure isn’t surpassing 75 degrees. She has a screen top to her tank that I covered with metal tape for insulation and it worked for awhile but now I’m afraid it’s too cold in the house for it to keep heat in. Any tips for how I can keep my baby warm?