Possible Hot Take: Disney Collab on Secondhand Market : DO NOT BUY FROM RESELLERS

I am usually a lurker of this sub, but I wanted to share my two cents (or two scents... get it?) on this situation. For context, I am a doll collector and have been in that community for years, so I have some expertise on this topic. There are limited releases with resellers running rampant in those communities too. It is nothing new based on the reception and feedback I hear about the release of this collection and how it was handled.

I just want to start by saying that as someone who really wanted the Pocketbac Holders, which clearly sold out instantly, I 1000% understand the frustration surrounding this release. This really has to do with BABW not placing item limits on these items that they know will be in high demand as well as resellers scooping up products to resell on ebay and mercari. HOWEVER, no matter how frustrating this release may be, I highly advise you to not purchase from people who are upcharging these products, ESPECIALLY if they have several in their "stock" (I have seen seller listings of people who have 5+ Pocketbac holders for the same princess. Almost no one is realistically buying that many without the intention to resell.). That means they more than likely went to a store and scooped up these products to attempt to prey on people who missed out and will want to just bite the bullet and buy for 2 or even 3x the price. I promise, as much as you may have wanted an accessory from this line, which is totally understandable, IT IS NOT WORTH 2x or 3x what it was originally marketed for (the Pocketbacs are around $15. YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO SETTLE AND PAY EVEN $30 FOR ONE). I saw a comment on a review for one of the out of stock accessories on BABW's website saying they paid $70 for a Pocketbac holder from this collab. That is just what the resellers want. The more people that decide to buy from resellers, the more likely resellers and other people will realize that there is money to be made in vulnerability (and, really, we can honestly call it FOMO in some cases), which keeps this cycle going. That means it will happen in future releases.

The other unfortunate problem is that this is not limited to BABW. it is widespread across so many communities for collectors and just people who enjoy things but it happens to be a very popular IP like Disney.

This does not excuse BABW's handling of this release. They should have put an item limit per customer or order. It is just repulsive when companies have that much of a lack of care. So BABW is partially to blame here, because I know they can not control what customers do with their products once they're purchased, but resellers are a huge blame for this.

Okay. Rant over. Seriously, do not buy from resellers. I know it sucks, but we have to stay strong with it. It will hopefully deter resellers when they realize that the community will not fall victim to paying their hugely inflated prices for these products knowing they're in high demand.