Tips for beginners

I just got the game and have abt 7 hours in it. I have a few questions and i thought this would be the place to ask.

  1. What class should i play. rn im liking assualt because of the healing, but the lack of range without recon's sniper rifle kinda sucks for big maps like dawnbreaker (bringing me to the next point)
  2. what gamemode/map should i play. rn i only play conquest and its rlly fun but if theres something better lmk and tell me how it works too. i especially like the gigantic maps
  3. What gear/weapons/etc. should i use? im trying to unlock as much as possible, but its slow. rn i have a scar-h with a sight that is one above the basic (maybe laser?) and nothing else. i have defib but prefer medkit+rpg over medkit+defib
  4. Any other things i should know?

ty in advance