What to do? Feeling directionless and low self worth about career in Boston, everyone seems to work in highly skilled fields and I’m a poor education administrative worker.

I chose the wrong major, didn’t end up becoming a teacher despite getting licensed.

Ended up working at a university in “entry level” administration. I’ve been promoted once since working here for 3 years and given two raises, but wasn’t actually given more advanced work with the promotion.

I made it as a finalist of two to a more advanced position (dean’s executive assistant) but they chose someone with a PhD over me.

I have a master’s degree in education, but the degree feels worthless and I feel so stupid and unskilled compared to most of Boston. My friends work in pharmacy, finance and nursing.

I feel like I don’t belong in this city, can’t afford to live alone here. I’m in my late 20s. So much regret.

Everyone around me makes over $90k in highly skilled jobs. I can’t believe I wasted my education and don’t know where to go from here.

I’m just very lost, and obviously insanely insecure.

I don’t want to go back to school without being certain of what I want to do and I honestly still don’t know. I like what I do now but it isn’t challenging enough at this point and there’s no clear ladder of progression. I’m worried I’ll continue to get bored in this field.

It seems like there’s two types of people in the world, those who know what they want to do and those who don’t. Even approaching age 30 I still am not sure how to figure that out.

If anyone has input on how to proceed or similar experience that turned out alright in the end, please share. Thank you!