Can someone recommend a good shop? Apparently Kratom Temple has just taking my payment and ghosted me. I'm pretty choked.
Hey guys, I was with cke for several years until the quality got so bad that I had to look for alternative. Found Kratom temple, and they've been solid, reliable, and I've been pleased with the quality the most part. Now for no apparent reason, they took a payment from me, I didn't get a confirmation, I emailed them three times over a week, and only on the third time did they answer and say that they had received the order but not the payment. I checked my bank, and indeed for some reason the payment was pending. Strange because they have Auto deposit, and it usually goes right in. I checked my account again the next day, and it no longer said pending, but rather that payment had gone through. Now they won't respond to any of my emails. I wasn't Snappy or rude, I was just making an inquiry, so I don't know if their feelings got hurt or if the business is just spiraling out of control. Either way, I need to find someone else that's reliable, and quick. Thank you..