rechance a cooked indian boy that got pounded by EA

intentionally vague

State: CT

Ethnicity: Indian, U.S citizen

Intended Major(s): CS/CE/ECE

ACT/SAT/SAT II: 1540 (800M)

UW/W GPA and Rank: 3.781/4.5939 (we report weighted), 11/239 (top 5%)

Coursework: 13 AP classes, 3 seperate dual enrollment

Awards (in no particular order):

  1. PVSA 2x Gold, 1x Silver
  2. AP Scholar w/ Distinction & PSAT Commended
  3. state coding award
  4. nhs
  5. team regional physics award (physics bowl)

Extracurriculars (in generally the right order): 

  1. founded non-profit branch & taught coding to kids at local middle school
  2. xc varsity & captain
  3. part of non-profit, on leadership team, organized fundraising events, raised $100K+ over my years (got PVSA through them)
  4. independent Roblox stuff; 18M+ impressions on YT, contributed to games totaling over 30M+ visits, developed graphics for developers (freelance comissions)
  5. coding club pres -- founded ACSL chapter, contributed to organization of local hackathon
  6. business club vice pres -- helped start chapters for business competitions (Wharton, NPFC), helped organize event promoting gender inclusivity in business, working to add personal finance to special education curriculum
  7. math team -- nothing too special here except did 3 years
  8. track and field jv
  9. small business reselling used exam books to promote sustainability. was featured on local news.
  10. IT intern (unpaid) -- drafted IT articles, mentored by IT professional, nothing too special

Essays/LORs/Other: tried to be quirky; not confident on EA's, felt better on RD's, no comment on LORs

changed my personal statement to be a better since EA imo, and my supps got better as time went on.


ED: Brown (rejected)

EA: Georgia Tech (rejected), Northeastern (accepted w/ Honors), Purdue (deferred), UT-Austin (rejected), UIUC (rejected), UMD (accepted w/ Scholars), UMass-Amherst (accepted w/ 18k), Umich (deferred), Virginia Tech (waitlisted)

RD: UConn (accepted w/ Stem Scholar), Tufts (rejected), Cornell, UCB, UCLA (rejected), UCSD (waitlisted), UCD (accepted), UCI (waitlisted), CMU (rejected), NYU, Northwestern, Rice, UNC (waitlisted), USC, Yale, Duke, ND (rejected), Williams (rejected), UPenn