I’m no longer interested in being friends with someone once they have a kid

I don’t necessarily dislike all children but I don’t like most of them and I can’t stand babies or toddlers or small children. A friend who I’ll call “Jane” had a kid in December. She’s not married and wasn’t even with the guy a year before she got pregnant. She told me for the longest time she always wanted kids and got her IUD removed so she could get pregnant. Jane comes from a family of divorced parents and abusive relationships with past partners. She told me she felt like she had to have a kid to carry on her blood and “take care of her when she got old”. Needless to say, Jane and I don’t have much in common and we have even less in common now. I pretty much cut contact with her after she had the kid. Now my parents are always asking me how Jane is doing and have I talked to her recently and don’t I want to go see her and her baby. I have no interest in driving an hour to see someone I have very little in common with anymore and I even less to see a baby.