5'8 Indian boy is about to get absolutely cooked.
- Gender: Male
- Race/Ethnicity: Asian Indian
- Residence: West coast
- Income Bracket: 250k +
- Type of School: Large Public School
- Hooks (Recruited Athlete, URM, First-Gen, Geographic, Legacy, etc.): N/A
Intended Major(s): Business mostly, data science, and undecided some places
- GPA (UW/W): 3.4 UW, 3.8 W
- Rank (or percentile): N/A
- # of Honors/AP/IB/Dual Enrollment/etc.: 10 AP Classes
- Senior Year Course Load: AP Lang, AP Stats, APES, AP Gov, Accounting 1, Web Design 1/2
Standardized Testing
List the highest scores earned and all scores that were reported.
- SAT I: 1530 (760 RW, 770M)
List all extracurricular involvements, including leadership roles, time commitments, major achievements, etc.
- Biocomputational Intern @ OHSU: worked to create a new malaria vaccine (12 hrs/week 6 weeks
- Growth, Marketing, AI Dev Intern @ YC backed start up (17 hrs/week 4 weeks)
- Founder of data science non-profit with 150+ low-income students (4 hrs/week 16 weeks)
- Published author of 2 books (Data Science/Crypto + Blockchain) (5 hrs/week 7 weeks)
- Eagle Scout (1 hr/week 18 weeks)
- Graphic Designer/Editor for Boston Celtics social media (3 hrs/week 6 weeks)
- 2nd Degree Black Belt in Takewondo (2 hrs/week 24 weeks)
- Student Mentor for Science Ambassadors Program @ OHSU (4 hrs/week, 24 weeks)
- Created my own sports blog avg. 1k daily visitors for 3 mos. (30 hrs/week 3 weeks)
- Founder of 2 clubs at my school (ML + App Dev/Data Science) (2 hrs/week 10 weeks)
List all awards and honors submitted on your application.
- Interview w/ ABC news for non-profit
- Article written by local newspaper for non-profit
- Stanford AI4ALL Summer Program
- AP Scholar w/ Distinction
- President's Volunteer Service Award
Letters of Recommendation
4 LOR's:
- AP Econ from junior year, he liked me a lot so I think it's like a 7 or 8 out 10. He writes a lot of LOR's, so I think it's pretty good but not unique.
- AP Lang from this year, we have a really great relationship and he doesn't write LOR's usually so 10/10.
- CTO of Y-Combinator backed startup, amazing letter, read it and was probably an 11/10.
- Director of OHSU, she's known me since freshman year and helped me get an internship in a lab last summer, so I think it's probably a 9/10.
I think my essays honestly were amazing. I don't want to sound conceited but I put a lot of time into all of them and they were all extremely personal. My PS was about eating Lucky Charms cereal in the middle of the night and reflecting on the ups and downs of my life and how I envision the rest of my life to pan out based on past experiences.
Decisions (indicate ED/EA/REA/SCEA/RD)
I applied RD everywhere:
- U Mich
- UC Berkely
- UC Davis
- UC Irvine
- Baylor
- Duke
- Vanderbilt
- Northeastern
- Northwestern
- OSU (Oregon)
- Cornell
- UW Seattle
- IU
Additional Information:
GPA is pretty low, but retook important courses like Calc AB/BC online, getting A's in both semesters for both courses, which is not factored into my high school GPA. Idk how much it'll help but I think it'll help at least a little