to boring to have a catchy title

too bored to do work so here’s my profile

3.9 gpa, bunch of APs, bunch of additional college classes (25+), 1560 SAT, typical shit; fgli, and asian male if that matters

awards: presented research at the largest science conference in my field + awarded travel grant for early researchers

science fair 3rd place in category regionals

deans and presidents honors list for community college classes

highkey mid speech and debate awards

college board shit (distinction, first gen)

ECs Simons Summer Research Program

Independent research @ T5

Research program @ T5

Summer internship with city (2x, diff cities each time)

Speech & Debate - pres, vp, tres, captain founded category

Scioly - copres

Science Fair - founder/pres of club

Model UN - founder/ pres of club

Water Polo - captain (varsity)

basic ahh volunteering

now here’s what yall waiting for:

-Stanford rea - accept

-USC ea - accept with scholarship

-Stony Brook University - accept

-berkeley M.E.T. program (CS+Business) - accept

-UC davis - accept

-Caltech (just came out today lol) - accept

-Northwestern - withdrew for my friend lol

-NYU - also withdrew for a friend

waiting on: (will update as they come out) -Princeton




-UPenn (m&t)






-harvey mudd









-notre dame

-john’s hopkins (Applied for BME as a joke lolol)




for reference i also got some scholarships too haha -gates - finalist -JKC - finalist -bunch of others as well

I applied to a bunch of schools cuz i was lowk scared but now im just collecting the acceptances to see lol

honestly i know im cracked but im questioning if its all been worth it. grinded my asssssss off the last 4 years. i sacrificed so much of my sleep and social life for my academics and ECs, which I love. but i effectively have no friends. I get along well with people but here I am as a senior with acceptances to where everyone wants to be - but no friends to go with prom with. it sucks, i have more time as a senior but everybody’s social groups are already established. im social, and i make friends easily, but I just haven’t had the time the past few years to establish those deep connections where you hang out with friends on weekends and shit like that, yk?but now that i have more time it just kinda sucks seeing what you missed out on. but at the end of they day we all have 24 hrs, what we choose to spend it on is important - for me, i just chose work and exercise over social

not trying to get advice on this or anything, but for the underclasses out there aiming for stanford or harvard, yall should know the sacrifices you’ll have to make

i’ll try to respond to comments as they come up if there’s questions