The occult meaning behind 9/11
There are 2 entities within our mind. The conscious observer and the "higher Self". The higher Self controls our body and mind, and the conscious observer observes. However, the observer can interfere if it wishes to do so. It can choose to conjure up thoughts or it can decide to think about something or to not think about something. This is how the observer exercises free will.
The higher Self is connected to the unseen spiritual world, or the "collective consciousness". It knows the thoughts of everyone because it's connected to everything.
The higher Self which is attached to a physical body seems to have a purpose in life and it tries to guide the conscious observer to reach its goal. The more the conscious observer is in tune with the higher Self, the easier everything becomes. The less they're in tune, the worse its fate will be.
The occult meaning behind 9/11 where the two towers fall and one rises, is to integrate the conscious observer with the higher Self. Once one stops struggling with itself, everything will flow smoothly. The two must become one. The conscious observer must align its will with the will of the higher Self. This is also why the eclipse is such an important symbol to them, because it's where two become one.