Dating has made me more heartless.

Hey guys I’m just keeping it real. I don’t care anymore. I 23 M feel like dating has made me a lot more heartless. It seems like the more I care about romantic relationships the worse they get. I’m no longer interested in being vulnerable because it overall has a net negative impact on the relationship. This is my experience as a Man. I know i’m gonna piss a lot of people off but Men shouldn't show their emotions or be vulnerable. We have to be strong because no one cares about us. But yeah, dating has turned me more savage. I'm fully detached whenever I go on a date. I’m ready to walk away at any minute. I don't care if I'm single anymore.

Edit: Guys I think you we have a misunderstanding. I'm not giving up on dating. In fact, I'm doubling down because idgaf anymore about the result. Yes I may feel more heartless but I'm still gonna date. So should you.