First car advice

I’ve just passed my test and am now trying to work out what to do about a car. I know nothing I have no idea what a suitable engine size is what’s good mileage any of it I really am clueless

I’m 22 learnt on a manual so will probably just stick with that. My instructor had a ford fiesta, I liked it but have nothing to compare too

I’m not sure if I should get something really cheap to just get me started or invest a bit more to get a car which will probably last longer.

I would ideally want a car that could cope with motorways, while I don’t plan on going on motorways soon I have friends who live across the other end of the country and I would like to have the option to visit them.

I don’t think I want to spend more than 5k but I really am clueless so any input is incredibly helpful.

I know the insurance is going to be a nightmare but hopefully it will go down with time

Edit: How important is the age of a car, is there any age to avoid completely, is something that’s 10 years old okay or is it likely to need hefty repairs in the next year or two Additionally what’s a good/average mileage and what’s too high and best to avoid