31 215ug LSD presses
Really lucked out with these, apparently the guy who made them had made a really good batch that he wasn’t sure what to do with so he set it aside and ended up forgetting about it until finding it on a shelf years later when he decided to throw it in the pill press and then the universe bestowed them onto me. Believe the story if you like but this is hands down the best acid I have taken ever in my life. 30-60 minute come up, it doesn’t feel speedy, there’s no anxiety or nervousness, there’s no tightness in your chest, overall just a really clean trip.
Really lucked out with these, apparently the guy who made them had made a really good batch that he wasn’t sure what to do with so he set it aside and ended up forgetting about it until finding it on a shelf years later when he decided to throw it in the pill press and then the universe bestowed them onto me. Believe the story if you like but this is hands down the best acid I have taken ever in my life. 30-60 minute come up, it doesn’t feel speedy, there’s no anxiety or nervousness, there’s no tightness in your chest, overall just a really clean trip.