Does Carol Hathaway have any redeeming qualities? đź‘€

I’m watching as a new binge watcher, & I try to give everybody a chance & I’m currently waiting for it as I’m on season 5 episode 12… (Also this isn’t in any order, I can’t seem to remember everything but these were the only ones I could remember .)

For me , I think she started irking my nerves more and more as the seasons progressed. Like for instance , I think it all started when the little “beef” she had with Jeannie Boulet. But then how she found out about Boulet’s HIV status and she changed her tune & started being more sympathetic to her & more “friendly” .

Then when the Shep situation happened & how his partner reported him for the “push” and she lied for him to keep him off of “suspension” saying she was there for the event and she wasn’t there until after the fact .. & then after she realized the the severity of what she did , she told him to get help .

ALSO, the fact that she was never really in love with Tag & you could tell he really liked her . && she waited until the day of the wedding to break up after multiple chances to leave him and split amicably . Like I felt so bad for him , & for her to get back with Doug Ross after the fact , I knew Tag wasn’t coming back but I wouldn’t mind if he came back and spazzed out at them .

Does she get better ?