A brother hosted a singles JW party & got in trouble.
Jw's, Jewish ppl, & LDS/Mormons all suggest that the members only date each other. However the other two groups hosts singles parties and the LDS (Mormons) even has singles meetings.
The jw religion does none of this, but complains when their members try to date "in the world" .
So a brother had an idea, since jw are having problems finding other singles, he will hosts a singles event for jw's .
He rented out a small lounge, so only jw could go. However the lounge said they want everyone to get a drink to cover the bar tab. So the brother told everyone to either give him $25 at the door or promise to get two drinks to cover the cost.
So the party was a hit. But then of course someone spread a rumor that someone was drunk and their was no chaperones.
He said, he explained to his elder that, most ppl there was over 27,'so they can chaperone themselves.
Anyway, he got in trouble , not disfellowshipped but they had a talk about wild parties and bad association.
And others was complaining that paying for a party means you aren't scriptural, but ... in his defense, people would be paying $25 dollars if they went anywhere else...
Anyway, the whole thing is a mess. What do they want? They complain about not enough ppl at the meetings and jw not dating each other but then don't provide an alternative.