Update: I pushed through Crescent City and I’m so glad I did!
Hey everyone! A while ago, I asked for advice about whether I should move on after struggling with the first half of Crescent City: House of Earth and Blood. (Here’s my original post for context: https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasyromance/s/NKGKap4KEA)
The comments were pretty mixed. After thinking it over, I decided to push through, and I’m so glad I did! The second half of the first book really picked up for me, and by the end, I was hooked.
I just finished House of Sky and Breath, and THAT ENDING?! #spoiler - I was not expecting to see Rhysand and Feyre pop up, and now I’m even more invested in where the story will go next. I can’t wait to read House of Flame and Shadow!
For anyone else who’s struggled with Crescent City, I’d say it’s worth sticking with it—especially if you’re a fan of Sarah J. Maas’s other books. It definitely has a slower start, but the payoff is so worth it.
Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts on my original post—it helped a lot! #spoiler - Did anyone else get chills at the crossover moment? I feel like I need to reread everything now!